Our Story

Pretty Passionate Hands (PPH). A nonprofit organization that focuses on providing support, mentorship, and guidance to teen mothers’ and fathers’ families. PPH provides financial awareness through educational workshops, village support, and mentorship for youth and families. Through our programs, we provide tools and resources to remove barriers that prevent youth and families within the community from attaining their personal life goals. We believe in a community where families are fully supported building a great environment for each family, one child at a time.

Our Mission

At Pretty Passionate Hands, our mission is to support teen mothers and fathers through mentoring and guidance so they can become productive, successful, and responsible adults.

Our Vision

We believe in a community where each person has access to basic essential needs, childcare and essential life skills to lead the way towards a brighter future.

Teen Mother & Father Mentorship

Teen Mother & Father Mentorship

For first-time teen parents aged 10 years - 18 years, a mentorship program provides support and building relationships with young parents. We enjoy empowerment groups and community activities while receiving our basic essential needs, and gaining education information through mentoring.

"Building Hope: Empowering Teen Parents, Creating Futures”

Goal Reached $41,686.00

Today we ask that you support our mission to grow, by helping us raise funding to purchase our new facility.

This initiative aims to establish a multifaceted facility providing critical support and resources for young parents navigating the challenges of parenthood. This facility will help us provide our teen families with the following in one place.

PPH Office. Teen Parents Hub

Free Hygiene, Clothing, Food Pantry, and On-Site Washing Facility 

24/7 Teen Parent Crisis Home

Free Early Childhood Education Center For Teen Parents 

Your support not only provides tangible resources but also demonstrates a commitment to empowering vulnerable populations and fostering stronger, healthier communities.

Together, we can break down barriers and provide a foundation of support that enables teen parents to build brighter futures for themselves and their children.

Donate Today

Monthly Calendar & Upcoming Events

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